Environmental Education Oversight Model and Draft Costings PlanEnergy and waste TravelSkills and employment



Indicative Funding allocation


Clear definition and purpose including an agreed vision and multi-year delivery plan.


Determining a clear definition and purpose for the city’s education providers of what is meant by environmental education and what role the council plays in that, including an agreed vision and multi-year delivery plan.


By September 2021

Develop knowledge and confidence in the education sector with links to other strategies such as the Anti-Racist Schools Strategy alongside general upskilling of school staff

Promote the work already taking place in relation to this work and support a programme that further develops the capacity, skills, knowledge and confidence of the education sector on sustainability and climate change and makes appropriate links to other strategies such as the Anti-Racist Schools Strategy


By December 2021

Maximisation of local, national and global resources to shape a structured and comprehensive environmental & climate educational programme for schools and youth in the city.

Explore external expertise, existing council initiatives and projects. Providing a hub of local resources, materials and training to support the teaching of environmental education including the central branding and hosting of resources.


By February 2021

Review the role travel providers and various journeys have in relation to environmental education

Reviewing existing travel options and possible new initiatives for children and young people.


By October 2021

Ensure opportunities for children and young people to actively participate in climate and environmental action; as well as engagement in wider council consultations/processes

Promote the engagement of education settings in the delivery of environmental education and the opportunities to sustain that engagement through on-going activities such as volunteering and the recognition of a singular route to participate in council engagement.  


By December 2021

Establish an annual conference for young people and make available Inset training materials annually.

Build on previous bi-annual pupil events to establish a yearly conference for young people and consider the feasibility of an annual inset programme for school staff.


By October 2021

Consider the roll out of training for lead teachers that builds on the UN programme, explores alternative programmes and includes training for prospective teachers.

Follow up the training of the city’s first climate change teacher with a programme to roll out training for one teacher in each school and including the relevant elements of the Climate Change Teacher course as part of PGCE and Cert Ed qualifications delivered in the city.


By February 2021

Environmental Education Strategy Oversight Group

Establish relevant sub-groups such as education leadership, curriculum development and the role of food and travel within the strategy.


By September 2021

Address inequalities in access to opportunities to participate in climate and environmental education of those with protected characteristics.

Supporting the council’s work on addressing those at risk of disadvantage (both social/economic and nature deprivation), the green skills agenda and the priorities of the SEND Strategy.


By December 2021

Provide management oversight for the Environmental Education Strategy 2021-22

Co-ordination of work by Head of School Organisation



Undertake viability work for a physical environmental education hub

Explore opportunities and outline designs for re-purposed accommodation to be used as a teaching and training base.


By March 2021

Explore support for the work linked to Green Skills and Employment.

Collaborate with education institutions and businesses to plan for future skills needs and increase take up of apprenticeships.


By December 2021


